Jeremy Nuttall

Tech Lead ✕ Senior Software Engineer

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Working on healthcare applications to improve our health!

Well Dot, Inc.

Sep. 2022present

Senior Software Engineer (Tech Lead)

AWS Lambda
  • Initiated and orchestrated the conversion of more than 200,000 lines of legacy JavaScript to TypeScript.
  • Mentored engineers in TypeScript, emphasizing consistent application of best practices and type correctness.
  • Provisioned an easily manageable monolithic infrastructure in AWS ECS + Fargate using Terraform, focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
  • Built fully automated CI/CD pipelines with Gitlab CI for containerized applications using Docker, Terraform, AWS ECR and AWS ECS.
  • Developed and deployed a containerized NestJS API to AWS ECS, resulting in the consolidation of code, drastically improving developer velocity.
  • Shared ownership for the the maintenance and improvement of more than 20 mission-critical AWS Lambda microservices.
  • Created Gitlab CI and Terraform workflows to delpoy lambda functions from a monorepo.
  • Tested both Lambda functions and NestJS monolith for correct behavior using jest and supertest to cover unit, integration, and functional layers.
  • Facilitated multiple process improvements, including the standardization of organization-wide ESLint, TypeScript, and jest configurations.
  • Wrote and maintained HIPAA-compliant applications and infrastructure
  • Interviewed senior-level engineering applicants, screening for technical capabilities in a cloud-native environment.


Nov. 2021Sep. 2022

Senior Software Engineer

Ruby on Rails
  • Lead engineer on a custom cheating detection system for code submissions capable of numerically quantifying similarity in 𝑂(1) space and 𝑂(𝑛) time. The system achieved a 0% false positive rate and increased consumer confidence in the accuracy of code assessments.
  • Owned the implementation and maintenance of large-scale full-stack applicant screening features in Ruby on Rails and React (TypeScript).
  • Optimized Postgres queries using Arel (a Relational Algebra for Ruby), reducing costs and improving performance and stability.
  • Implemented complex Figma designs using React, Redux, and TailwindCSS, collaborating directly with product owners and designers to optimize the UX of the final product.
  • Tested application for correct behavior with Cypress, Jest, and rspec, achieving 80% test coverage for owned features.


Jun. 2021Nov. 2021

Software Engineer (Project Lead)

AWS Lambda
React Native
  • Primary customer-facing technical contact and engineer in developing a custom full-stack React Native mobile app using Google Firebase for cloud-native backend deployment for a high-value client.
  • Developed more than 30 custom React Native (TypeScript) components and resolved dozens of bugs in KFC’s mobile ecommerce app over the duration of a 2-month subcontract.
  • Collaborated with lead designer to produce React Native components for Mazoola, a family-safe digital wallet.
  • Tested mobile/web applications and their backends for correct functional behavior using jest and Detox.
  • Implemented an in-app store for a React Native fitness application using Google Firebase and Stripe.

eQ Technologic

Jul. 2019Jun. 2021

Software Engineer

Spring Framework
  • Designed, developed, and maintained 20 separate custom client-specified web applications in vanilla ES5 JavaScript and Backbone.js.
  • Leveraged Spring framework in Java and Kotlin to develop backends capable of managing HIPAA-compliant internal employee healthcare data.
  • Implemented an Angular frontend to facilitate the entry of health coverage requests from employees.
View full Resume
Demo of LambdaSweep


Clone of Minesweeper in Haskell in about 750 sloc. Applies arrowized FRP (functional reactive programming) to GTK.

Demo of

A Next.js+TailwindCSS app hosted on Vercel.

Demo of haskell-game/sdl2


Contributed to the Haskell bindings for SDL2

Inspired by Brittany Chiang's excellent online resume. Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and daisyUI. Deployed on Vercel. Content is managed with Sanity.